Sunday, April 1, 2018

We Always

East Kent, April 1 2018

We always hate
the ones we wrong
and never will
forgive them.

We always love
the ones who wound
and pray that they
forgive us.

If we could just
stop doing wrong
and they could just
stop wounding,
then all the pain
and hurt
and wrong
would vanish
like this verse does.

The Swimmer

East Kent, Sunday 1 April 2018

Out of East Cliff’s
tired and tangled streets
with sea-locked central parting
Plains of Waterloo
the swimmer strides
as from the Acropolis
Doric columns
slipping fast from view.

With heavy, tumbling plait
wound up into proffered cap
pale blouse and saree
washed-out pallid blue
feet brown and bare
picking past the town-wrack
she pads down Jacob’s ladder
like other swimmers do.

Little sculling strokes
propel her quick and cleanly
into deeper water and
light too bright for seeing.
Geometric arcs and lines
on painter's perfect sea;
homage paid to nature and
the mystery of being.