Wednesday, February 27, 2019


S.W. France, 27 February 2019

I rescued a butterfly
trapped behind glass
like chains were unclasped
in crafted chaos
of an old plank shed.
Door kicked wide open
daylight burned my eye
cupped hands unfolding
he climbed to the sky
freedom unsurpassed
for me and for him.

Big things empirically
at the last
in small things are hid.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Winter Roses (Sonnet)

East Kent, 17 February 2019

See the timid winter roses
Buffeted by snow and wind
Shy debutantes, geisha faces
Imperilled but undimmed.
On each tiny threadlike tendril
Forever buds show rub of rain
Daubs of pink are pricked at bridal
White with cruel stain.
What can it mean, I question?
Forbearance, to be sure
Modelled prettily in my garden
Why then look for more?
Caprice of beauty, this quiet refrain
Lodged implacably in my brain.