Lines written in response to an incident observed on the North Circular Road, London. Kent coast, 29 June 2014.
You looked as if dumped
I had to stare
The cabbie seemed stumped
You fell from the air
Delicately, in respect for the dead
He drew your hoodie over your head.
Those arms outflung
So limp and so long
Might they once have held someone?
(You were so pretty, so young)
I get this, I do, you were depressed
I’m siding with you, the dispossessed.
Yet in my day we learned how to love
And not despise
Ourselves and each other
Our bodies, our lives
Everything, life, we didn’t hold back
Couldn’t you too do something like that?
The bundle of rags I mistook you for
Stretched out in the middle lane
Set such a challenge for each driver
Scuttling back home from work again
None can hurt you, brave avatar
Now that you in Paradise are.
Sweet girl, I will never know your name
Taped to the bridge on a pallid wreath
Yet still I feel some sting of shame
With the world you see beneath
These scraps of verse my scant testimonial
These few poor lines my heartfelt memorial.